After a long time some channels were added in Yamal 202 at 49 East.
1) Perviy kanal (1 kanal)
2) Rossiya 1 (Rossia)
3) Rossiya 2 (Sport)
4) NTV (N TV)
5) 5 Kanal (Peterburg 5 kanal)
6) Rossiya K (Kultura)
7) Rossiya 24 (Vesti)
8) Karusel (Karusel)
These same channels on 3 different frequencies.
4156 L 10050-3/4 8PSK
4136 L 10050-3/4 8PSK
4114 L 10050-3/4 8PSK
Channels coming on are 4156 frequency are on +4 time zone of Russia, 4136 frequency are on +2 and 4114 frequency are on +0 as per N Stanislav.
Signal is normal on all the three frequencies but 4113 H 10050 is little bit stronger than the other two.

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